Monday, December 21, 2015


 Proverbs 11:29
He who brings trouble on his family will inherit only wind, and the fool will be servant to the wise.


Familiar faces, from aged to birth they come
Memories and moments life is made up of…
These are those who turn our hearts to laughter, and tears through precious years...
The circle of life goes on…
Our family and friends not to tolerate…
But to love and cherish and celebrate...
Oh, they make us crazy with drama, of who, did this, and that...
But we cannot live without them…even, if, we want to squeeze their neck
Some are lazy and some never shut up…
Some are obsessive, compulsive, irritating and abrupt…
Some make you scream, ‘til you just want to throw up…
Some are short, and some are tall…
But family is family, gotta love 'em all…
No one better dis them, or the Fam will be called…
Challenged they will fight, to the death if they must,
Family is family and in God, we do trust…
Familiar and steady, strong and true…we are comrades and rascals;
People through and through;
Some even adopted, we accept them too…
No matter what others, may think of us…
Strange, peculiar, and weird and wise…
We see the world through each other’s eyes…
Yes, we are family, tested and tried,
God help us, we will survive!

Marla Shaw O’Neill December 21, 2015©


  1. Such a timely poem during the holidays. The truth, humor, rhythm and word choices are great! But most importantly, it made me smile. Can I post it on my blog for my "Funny Fridays" ?
