Thursday, September 17, 2015

God Is Holy! - Devotional September 17, 2015

"'Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground.'.... And Moses hid his face, for he was afraid to look upon God." Exodus 3:5-6     

A few days ago I was on my face before the Lord...I tried to pray but my prayers would not go any further than the air above I pressed in...then I pressed in some more...I lay silently before him and waited...I began to weep...and praise and worship rose from within my being. I could sense God's glory and holiness. I asked God to forgive me and wash me so that I would be clean. All of a sudden I could not get low enough on the floor...God began to show me just a glimpse of how Holy He is and I felt the weight of sin around me as I knelt in his presence...I was not clean enough...I wanted to scrub my flesh so I would be pure in his presence. I was wearing this bright pink nail polish I wanted to run and take it off...I knew that didn't offend God but I became so aware of my flesh all I could see was ugliness...I didn't want to be ugly or unclean but it was there...I was bare before the Holy God...I cried...Oh God I'm so sorry please make me clean...then he spoke so lovingly to my spirit and said, "It is only through the blood of Jesus that you can be clean in my presence. When I look at you I see my sons blood that was shed for the forgiveness of sin. Sin separates us but when you are washed in the blood of my son, you are cleansed from all sin. No more separation. I allowed you to experience my holiness so that you could know there is nothing you can do to be holy enough, you can't buy it, or earn it, all you have to do is be washed in the blood of my son. Jesus's blood makes you clean so that you can come boldly before my throne, to me, a sweet smelling savor, you are clean. Death can't touch you there. Stay in the blood!"

Holy Father, God of all creation, I pray that everyone will experience the awesomeness of your holiness and never take you for granted. There is only one way to you and that is through the shed blood of Jesus. Help us worship you in spirit and in truth, for this is what you desire. Amen.

By: Marla Shaw O'Neill September 17, 2015©

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