Thursday, September 24, 2015

September 23, 2015 - Devotional He Restoreth My Soul


He Restoreth My Soul Psalm 23:3

Thinking back of the old west I was reminded of ‘The Ghost Town.’ Can you see it?

Tumble weed blowing about as the wind whistles through the abandoned streets. Walls infested by those tiny insects that eat the wood and leave tracks; signs of their intrusion. 

Paint chipped and weathered until all that remain is gray stained boards hanging by a hinge, now bare and rotting. Varmints are the only tenants who live there now? 

Streets dusty and dry, lifeless and desolate. No laughter or chatter only the sounds of ghosts, and remembrance of times long gone.

Silence, and whispers of the wind, is the only sounds. 

If the town spirits could speak, what stories they would tell? “The Thompson’s have a new baby boy.” “Grandpa Joe passed away peacefully in his sleep last night.” “Miss Baker won the contest for best peach preserves and Mrs. Taylor is terribly upset." "The preacher baptized two new souls on Saturday down at the river.”
Only ghosts and a wasteland remain now. What once was a thriving, healthy town is now dead, waiting, for what?

Is your soul like that ghost town? Are you parched and dry? Were you once flourishing and thriving full of God’s joy and life?

Oh to be re-stored once more…as the psalmist says, “He restoreth my soul.”

There’s a new Sheriff in town…he tears down the waste places…puts fresh paint on the new buildings, sets up a church, bank and mercantile. Hangs a brand new sign…. “Now Open For Business.” 

People begin to arrive by train. Families move into the community…houses are built, wells are dug. Flowers, gardens, and trees are planted.

He brings ‘New Life’ back into the old town. Now instead of ghosts and desolation…the town is restored and new life begins, again!

Let Jesus restore your soul today!

Lord Jesus I ask for restoration and new life let old things pass away and let all things become new. Because of you Jesus we are restored. As we come and drink of the fresh water of life, found only in you, let us thrive and live and bring glory and honor to you. Amen!

By: Marla Shaw O’Neill 9.23.15©

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