Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Pig Pin of Life

Luke 15:11-32

Are You Living in the Pig Pin

Have you left the kings palace and discovered you now live in the pig pin?

What happened? How’d you get here? How will you get out?

You may have started out in life full of hopes and dreams, you’re going to conquer the world only to discover that along the way you made unwise decisions, lost all your wealth by wasting your time, talents and gifts on foolish endeavors, drugs, gambling, and unhealthy relationships. You find yourself living in the pig pin of life with no way out.

The stench of the pig pin is overwhelming. You’re empty, unclean and living a wasted, indigent life. Everything gone…self-worth gone, character shattered, morals destroyed, defeat is all that is left. You come to the end of yourself and realize even the animals don’t want to associate with you. You’re starving, afraid and worthless…

Then, you remember your father’s house. Even the servants at your father’s house have it better than you.

I will go home to my father and say, “Father, I have sinned against both heaven and you, 19 and I am no longer worthy of being called your son. Please take me on as a hired servant.” Luke 15:18-19

You have all heard the story of the prodigal son. He decides to return to his father’s house thinking he could at least be a servant and have a decent meal.

Get out of the pig pin, remember who you are, you are a child of the King. Realize you have sinned and ask your Father to let you come home. He is a loving, caring father. He’ll see you coming from far off and run to meet you. He’ll throw a party for you, kill the fatted calf, put a fresh clean robe on you and give you his signet ring. He loves you so much. Don’t live in the pig pin when you were made to live in the palace with the King.

Hear the father say, “My son was dead but now he’s alive, he was lost but now he’s found.”

It’s time to come home!