Saturday, October 3, 2015

Our Time is Now - Devotional October 3, 2013


43 “You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbor’[
a] and hate your enemy. 44 But I say, love your enemies![b] Pray for those who persecute you! 45 In that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just and the unjust alike. 46 If you love only those who love you, what reward is there for that? Even corrupt tax collectors do that much. 47 If you are kind only to your friends,[c] how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that. Matthew 5:43-47 (NLT)

Our Time is Now!

We cry out in anguish and shake our fists at the sky and scream WHY?

God said he repented that he made man…their hearts are evil and cruel and yet he found within a handful of humanity a few with faith…

A call went out today a call of evil and death…We never know where it will hit or who it’s next victim will be…but it’s here in the world ever present…

There is no security anywhere. Our only hope is in the one who not only can kill the body, but can also destroy body and soul.

We must not fear or be afraid…but trust, put your trust in the Lord God of heaven and earth.

Who’s next? Is it those across the ocean or those on a distant mountain in a foreign land? Is it in a place in my country, my town, next door, or one of my own, or me?

Safety? Where do we run for a safe harbor?

Can we shut the door of our homes and never venture out again because the world has been turned into a place of horror and murder?

NO! We must as children of God, stand fast; stand true! Our lives are more than this meager life we hold onto so tightly and dare anyone to trample…

Souls are at stake…our children and children’s children stand in the balance…what’s happening is no surprise. Jesus said these things would happen…Do not hang your head and ask why?

Lift up the hands that hang down, now is not the time to weep and lament…now is the time to fight but not as the world fights…take up the sword of the Spirit…God’s word…use the weapon of prayer to fire at the enemy and proclaim in faith in the name of Jesus, WE WILL NOT DIE IN VAIN…If we live, we live unto God and if we die, we die unto God!

We as the children of God can no longer sit in silence and vanity and look the other way…our world is shaking and we as the sons and daughters of God must stand in the gap and make up the hedge…Be what God has called us to be. Pray for our enemies…bless and do not curse…if they smite you on your right cheek, turn to them the other also…we are not weak, trembling, defeated or beaten…Do not let them take goodness from you by returning evil for evil…pray for them…God sees and has spoken his angels have been sent out…

You are the sons and daughters of your heavenly Father. Our time is Now!

Hear the battle cry…Jesus is coming…He will avenge his own…and the enemy will tuck his tail between his legs and run…but he cannot hide… the toothless lion is defeated!

Be vigilant, be steadfast… be ready! Pray!
Let’s pray: 

Heavenly father keep us in the palm of your hand. You conquered death and the grave….Help us to stand strong and true. Let our lives be lights in this world so that even our enemy will tremble and know that you are for us, so who can be against us?…That even as the saints of old who were thrown in lion’s dens…burned at the stake…boiled in oil and hung on a cross…nothing can separate us from your great love! Amen!

By: Marla Shaw O’Neill October 3, 2015©

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, Marla. God is apparently giving members of our Christian Poets & Writers group on Facebook a theme today of Trust, so I highlighted your timely post on the Christian Poets & Writers blog - God bless.
